In India, what type of tree is decorated for Christmas?
They decorate a banana or mango tree . Sometimes people use mango leaves to decorate their homes.
Russians celebrate Christmas eating kutya. What is it and what does it symbolize?
This unique plate is done of berries of wheat and other grains that symbolize the hope and the life talks, and the honey and the seeds of poppy that assure the happiness, the success, and the rest without worries.
Mexicans celebrate Christmas with posadas. What is a posada?
A posada is a nine-day celebration with origins in Mexico beginning December 16th and ending December 24th. It is a tradition wich symbolizes the trials which Mary and Joseph endured before finding a place to stay where Jesus could be born, based on the passage in the New Testament.
In Rome, Italy, capitone is served on Christmas Eve. What is capitone?
In Rome, the traditional dish of Christmas Eve is "Capitone," a big female eel, roasted, baked or fried. North of Rome a traditional dish may be pork, sausage packed in a pig's leg, smothered in lentils, or turkey stuffed with chestnuts.
In Venezuela people listen to aguinaldos. What are aguinaldos?
The traditional songs of this period are called aguinaldos. In the old days the aguinalderos (singers of aguinaldos) would go from home to home singing their songs and playing traditional instruments such as the cuatro (a small, four strings guitar), the maracas (rattle) and the furruco (a small, elongated drum with a wooden stick in the middle. The movement of the stick slightly indented on the drums leather is what produces the sound).
In Provence, France, people put santons in a crèche. What are santons and what is a crèche? It means "little saints," colourful carved wooden or clay figures of the Christmas story. it means a three-dimensional commercial or folk art depiction of the birth or birthplace of Jesus.

They have a Buddhist monk called Hotei-osho who acts like Santa Claus. He brings presents to each house and leaves them for the children. Some think he has eyes in the back of his head, so children try to behave like he is nearby.
In Greece people have to protect themselves from Killantzaroi. What are Killantzaroi and how can you keep them away?
Killantzaroi are a species of goblins or sprites who appear only during the 12-day period from Christmas to the Epiphany (January 6). These creatures are believed to emerge from the center of the earth and to slip into people's house through the chimney.
Germans call Christmas Eve Dickbauch. Why is Christmas Eve called Dickbauch?
“Dickbauch" means "fat stomach" and is a name given to the Christmas Eve because of the tradition that those who do not eat well on Christmas Eve will be haunted by demons during the night.
In China, a very important person is named Dun Che Lao Ren. Who is it?
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